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Easytrip ensures its ISO27K compliant Bitbucket backup with GitProtect.io

Key benefits

  • Secure solution
  • Reliability
  • S3 storage compatibility
  • GDPR-compliant backup
  • ISO 27k compliance
  • Bring-your-own-storage
  • Ransomware protection


Transportation Service

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Bitbucket repositories and metadata


GitProtect Backup for Bitbucket


Easytrip is Ireland’s leading electronic parking and tolling tag provider aimed at delivering customers an effective and satisfying motor experience. Over 200K drivers have already signed up with Easytrip services to get hassle-free tolling, parking, car washing, and car insurance.

This story represents an outstanding example of Easytrip, a mobility solutions specialist company with experience of nearly 20 years in transportation services, and its route to securing its Bitbucket ecosystem with GitProtect.io backups.

Easytrip - a simple way to boost driver’s experience

Easytrip has transformed the driving experience for Irish motorists through its convenient and contactless services. Originally established as a joint venture between the French multinational Egis and Irish Electro Automation, Easytrip has now evolved under the ownership of DKV Mobility. Drawing on the combined expertise of its parent companies, Easytrip offers an outstanding service for motorists, eliminating the need for tickets, cash, and queues – ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Easytrip’s services take the hassle out of daily driving with the help of their app and in- vehicle tags. The app allows drivers to pay for the on-street parking or car washing without leaving a vehicle. The tags provide premium and frictionless access to the off-street car parks as well as express lanes around Ireland.

Customer-oriented approach to the service

To make a cashless motoring reality, Easytrip’s talented DevOps team relies on Bitbucket to build its complete convenience solution for the drivers.

Source code is the most critical asset of the company. Adding to that the importance of the service the company builds and the value it brings to its customers, Easytrip realized that it needed reliable protection of its Bitbucket repositories and metadata against any event of failure - ransomware attack, data corruption, accidental deletions, etc. So, the search for a dependable backup solution started.

Backup as a service strategy

Comparing different offerings for Bitbucket backups, Easytrip differentiated GitProtect.io as the most secure, reliable, and affordable backup solution from the competition. Moreover, the backup software met all Easytrip’s requirements, including backup scheduling and compatibility with S3 storage.

GitProtect.io's robust features, coupled with GDPR and ISO27000 compliance, provide us with peace of mind regarding the integrity and confidentiality of our projects.
Backup plan scheduling is plain sailing

By adopting GitProtect.io backups for Bitbucket repositories and metadata, Easytrip got the possibility to schedule its DevOps backups and run them automatically at the time the company needs. What’s more, backup scheduling helps the company ensure consistency, as the backups are run regularly, and compliance and governance with the security requirements regarding data backups and retention.

Thus, the Easytrip DevOps team can simply choose any of the backup schedulers - Basic, rooted in the FIFO model, GFS (Grandfather-Father-Son), keep their copies forever incremental, or customize their backup plan within the company’s demands.

ISO 27001 and GDPR-compliant backup

Easytrip wanted to ensure that its backup meets the main postulates of ISO 27001 and GDPR Certifications - confidentiality, integrity, and availability. That’s why, the transportation services company was looking for a backup provider that has already completed ISO 27001 Audit and is GDPR-compliant.

GitProtect.io with its solid framework for safeguarding confidential data, including infrastructure, customers’ data, and processes is ISO 27001, SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 certified, and GDPR-compliant. It means that the company is ready to respond to the ever-evolving threat landscape that exists in the digital world.

Completing ISO 27001 Certification brings our customers assurance that all their vital data, including source code is always protected according to the international security standards.
The bring-your-own-storage feature can turn the tide

The possibility of backing up its Bitbucket repositories and metadata to its own storage was a critical factor for Easytrip. The company was looking for a backup solution that could allow that.

Since GitProtect.io is a multi-storage system that supports any S3-compatible storage, the backup provider made it possible for Easytrip to use its own storage destination - AWS S3.

Moreover, the transportation company can assign any additional storage or use free GitProtect Storage Cloud as a second or third backup storage destination at any moment when the need arises.

Ransomware protection boost

Valuing its source code a lot - it’s a critical asset of the company, - Easytrip was looking for a third-party backup solution that could help the company eliminate data loss in case any of its repositories got compromised.

With GitProtect.io’s ransomware protection bundle of features, Easytrip’s DevOps team can have peace of mind that the company’s source code is safe. “GitProtect.io has significantly elevated our version control and code security practices,” says Denis Stepanenko.

AES encryption with the option to set up its own encryption key, limited access to storage credentials, multi-storage system, point-in-time restore, and compliance with any Disaster Recovery scenario makes GitProtect.io a foolproof backup solution for Bitbucket repositories and metadata.

Why GitProtect?

Thanks to adopting GitProtect.io backups for Bitbucket repositories and metadata, Easytrip got secure and reliable source code protection. Due to the possibility of customizing GitProtect.io backups to the company’s requirements, Easytrip managed to back up its critical data the way it wanted, eliminating data loss and guaranteeing continuous workflow.

As a Solutions Architect, I highly recommend GitProtect.io to any development team committed to fortifying their codebase.

As a result, Easytrip has a certified ISO 27001 and GDPR-compliant backup that can guarantee Bitbucket data accessibility and recoverability in case the Easytrip Bitbucket repository ever gets compromised.

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Repositories with metadata, including issues, merge requests, hooks, keys, wiki and more.

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