Last Updated on July 19, 2024

Bitbucket is regarded as a proven, secure Git-based source code repository hosting service used by millions of companies worldwide. However, from time to time there are moments when Bitbucket experiences downtime. You go online to the Atlassian Bitbucket Status (the official status page) and check its status history to see the details and reports of what is happening, for example. And what if you see something like “currently investigating an outage?”

Well, if you have no idea what is that, you might be fortunate not to experience for yourself what Bitbucket outage is and what other intermittent errors can occure to Bitbucket server. Though, some other organizations have already undergone service outages or other issues, and more will. If you don’t want to become one of the Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud customers affected by Bitbucket problems, you should consider deploying an additional layer of protection, especially a professional git backup.

Atlassian’s Shared Responsibility Model

Bitbucket, like other Atlassian services, including Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Confluence, and other products, operates according to the Shared Responsibility Model. What does this mean to the users and what is their share in the Shared Responsibility Model exactly? Let’s find out and identify together.

Atlassian as a service provider maintains the infrastructure and ensures that your data is available, whenever you need it. While dealing with SaaS products the availability and continuity aspects of these services contribute to developing trust in the service platform. You might ask, what about transparency, provided security measures, privacy policy, or other features concerning let’s say Bitbucket pipelines, for exampl. Are they not important for networking services? Of course, they are, but the service availability always gets the main focus here. 

Let’s get back to the topic: Atlassian supervises the security of the application, the systems they run on, and the environments they are hosted within. If there is a problem to the service, they identify the root cause, make investigating reports and send email notifications. They also provide PCI DSS and SOC2 standards compliance.

Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud customers, on the other hand, manage the data within the Bitbucket account, the users, ways they access data, and restrict or allow which apps or tools they install and use in their Bitbucket Cloud. It is also a customer role to ensure that the organization meets all compliance requirements. Thus, he needs to organize appropriate monitoring to have all the problems quickly identified.

Image: Atlassian Cloud Security Shared Responsibilities (Atlassian)

If something unexpected happens to the platform, a provider’s concern is to make sure it won’t harm the service continuity in any way. But, as you can see, many key responsibilities are resting on your shoulders too. And data protection is definitely the most important of them. On your side also lay the obligation to make sure that your organization meets the legal requirements and other policies that may also be applied.

Accidental or malicious deletion, ransomware attack, outage in Bitbucket cloud, and many other threats can affect the data from the user’s side. And if something happens to your data without a Bitbucket backup solution you won’t be able to recover it.

Bitbucket down? What could possibly go wrong…

Now you understand which responsibilities are yours, and which are subjects of a service provider. We can then look at additional needs provided by a Bitbucket backup – don’t skip the text, they are no less important! 

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#1 Bitbucket down as an effect of human error

Human error is one of the most common threats when it comes to IT security. How exactly human error can impact your Bitbucket account – and hence the code, your intellectual property? Branch accidental deletion, accidental branch overwrite, or in some cases malicious activities of some trouble-making team member or ex-employee. How long will the maintenance of such an incident last? And is that so easy to fix it?

#2 Bitbucket down as an effect of cyber threats

Cyberattacks, such as phishing or ransomware both allow unauthorized access to data and the infrastructure – mostly to steal information or encrypt all data. Ask yourself, what will you do with no backup keeping your business going. Is your intellectual property safe (and recoverable)?

#3  Bitbucket down as an effect of outages

The list of problems is much longer. There were situations when  Bitbucket went down unexpectedly. That has left companies without access to their code, and without the way to continue working on the projects. Without proper policies and backup, your organizations might not even deal with bigger outages and costs associated with them. Ask yourself one thing, what will you do if Bitbucket is down during the critical launch window? How long will you be able to work without access to your code and Bitbucket repos? And how much such major outage will cost your company? Are you really ready to pay such a price, experiencing problems like that? 

How secure are your repos and metadata? Don’t push luck – secure your code with the first professional GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab backup.

#4  Bitbucket down as an effect of software and hardware failures

Losing access to your Bitbucket data could be also influenced by many kinds of hardware or software failures. As software and hardware issues happen on the client-side… if you don’t protect your data against such situations, you lose… money, time, and clients. It’s especially true if you use only Git centralized VSC – with Git running on your own local server. 

This article only summarizes the very peak of issues connected with the Bitbucket getting down. We could go much deeper as there are so many potential problems with synchronization, saving git repositories and downloading them. There is a full range of issues that can slow down, postpone or disable the development process and expose your organization to high financial loss. What should be your next step then? Are there any solutions to identify and decide the issues?

Bitbucket backup is the answer you are looking for 

Bitbucket as a repository management service proved itself as a quite reliable solution, but it still has some flaws. We advise you to take a safe approach and protect your Bitbucket repositories with a reliable backup, providing your organization a reliable protection, disaster recovery, and multitenancy. GitProtect is a Bitbucket backup that you deserve. Make sure your servers, git repositories, and metadata (including comments, requests, milestones, issues, releases, wikis & more) are fully safe and recoverable 24 hours a day– on-premise, or in the cloud.

  • Agile plan-based Bitbucket repository and metadata backup
  • Recover data to a different Organization or Workspace
  • Best in class security: agent-side AES 256 encryption, SOC2 on the finish (Q1 2022), advanced audit logs, zero-knowledge encryption, and no Single Point of Failure
  • Bring your own storage – any S3-compatible – or use ultra-secure GitProtect cloud
  • Long-term retention and Bitbucket archive, so you can forget about retention limited only to 30 days. 

Ready to test it in practice? By using this link you can test GitProtect for up to 14 days – no credit card required! Start today.

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