🎉 BIG RELEASE: Jira Assets Backup and Disaster Recovery

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No-code Implementation

What you will learn from this article?

  • How GitProtect.io, a no-code backup and recovery solution, can help enterprises ensure best-in-class security for their DevOps and project data.

GitProtect.io is a go-to solution for DevOps data protection that makes the backup and recovery processes easier to manage, faster, and much more secure. The backup vendor provides its customers with a no-code backup solution that helps enterprises protect their source code, metadata, and project data without writing a single line of code and ensuring its cyber-resilience and compliance at the same time.

Once set, GitProtect.io’s customers can immediately start protecting their GitHub, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps, GitLab, and Jira ecosystems with cyber-proof and access-controlled scheduled backups. The top-tier security measures, including multi-storage compatibility, replication between various storages - both Cloud and local, - unlimited retention, ransomware protection, restore options, and Disaster Recovery Technology, are aimed at guaranteeing data accessibility and recoverability in any disaster scenario.

Moreover, thanks to GitProtect.io’s web-based central management console, data-driven dashboards, visual statistics, and customizable notifications IT administrators can monitor and control backup procedures to be sure that even if an event of failure hits their company, they will be able to restore their DevOps or project management data fast using any of restore or Disaster Recovery Technology features.

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