🎉 BIG RELEASE: Jira Assets Backup and Disaster Recovery

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Centralized Management

What you will learn from this article?

  • How you can manage your backup processes from a single web console
  • GitProtect.io roles and permissions
  • Privileges of the system administrator’s account

That’s crucial that your backup processes are seemingly integrated into your DevSecOps pipeline. Thus, GitProtect.io’s unified web console, which you can easily access from your browser without installing any apps, can help you streamline your security operations, improve visibility, and enhance monitoring.

GitProtect.io designed its management console in a way that is aimed to centralize the backup process, allowing you to manage backup tasks, schedules, and configurations from a single and user-friendly interface. Moreover, the backup software permits you to assign roles to the members of your team and distribute the privileges between them.

When it comes to analyzing your backup and Disaster Recovery performance, you get a full view of it from our dashboard - successfully performed backup tasks, alerts, SLA, and backup task summary. Thus, you can quickly react to the alerts, mitigating threats.

With GitProtect.io unified web console you get a full-stack management of your backup and restore processes in one place to guarantee continuous workflow of your team.

Multiple admin and user accounts

With a clear view that depending on the size of your organization, you may need to assign a few of your team members to be responsible for the backup process of your critical data, GitProtect.io allows you to add multiple admin or user accounts using their email addresses.

Thus, depending on the obligations and the tasks your team members perform, you can grant them different roles and permissions:

Moreover, as soon as you set the roles for your team, you can give them additional permissions. In this case, if there is a need, you can enable your team members to add new and manage DevOps organizations, create or edit admin accounts, or even delete copies and backup storage locations.

Admin privileges settings

A system administrator is the most privileged account. When you assign this role to one of your team members, you give him full control over the backup processes of your critical DevOps data. Administrators can view the settings, create and run backup plans, restore the data when a disaster strikes, and also manage data stores and system settings.

Moreover, you can allow your system administrator to manage your account. Thus, he will be able to create new and edit the existing administrative account.

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